Friday, April 11, 2008

Saturday The 20th - On the River

We met the whole rafting crew on Saturday morning and went to paddle the endangered Papagayo River. This was our first trip down into an amazing valley surrounded by untouched jungle.

The rafting company sponsors for this event are Bravo Rafting and Imagina un Mundo Rafting; they have provided all their gear and their site at no cost. Thank you so much for your unconditional support. The guiding community on the Papagayo River was as international as anywhere else; there were guides from Latvia, Uruguay, Israel, Scotland, Chile and Mexico. We jumped on their truck and off we went.

The road to the river put in was built by the rafting company. It’s a shit road, and the tropical rains don’t help. The best part is sitting in the back of the truck trying to ride the holes in the best way possible. I think the road is a more dangerous ride than the river.

The lower section of the river is a class III. Some parts of the river are about 20 meters deep, the water is chocolate brown, but it’s one of the cleanest rivers in Mexico. There are almost no communities living up stream, which means less pollution. The canyon is narrow with rocks shaped by free flowing waters. Barren gray rock contrast against the dense green jungle makes this landscape irresistible. Just cant get enough of this river, lets do it again.

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